
Here you can find all the information you may need for your stay here in Córdoba. There are so many things to do and see but please don't forget to come to the wedding on 3rd September at the Hotel Ayre.

An Interesting Documentary About Cordoba's History

sábado, 4 de junio de 2011

The Fortress of the Catholic Monarchs (El Alcazar de los Reyes Catolicos)

• This was one of the primary residences of Ferdinand and Isabela, the Catholic Monarchs during the height of Spain’s power in the early 16th century.

• It was originally built by the Visigoths and expanded by the Moors.

• It was used as a tribunal during the Spanish Inquisition.

• It is said that it was here that Christopher Columbus asked Ferdinand and Isabela for funding for his expedition which lead him to discover America.

• On display are some beautiful mosaics uncovered from the Corredera Square.

• The gardens are beautiful to stroll around.

• Opening hours: Monday – Friday 9.00am – 2.00 pm
• Entrance price : Adults €4
Children €2
Wednesdays are free.

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