
Here you can find all the information you may need for your stay here in Córdoba. There are so many things to do and see but please don't forget to come to the wedding on 3rd September at the Hotel Ayre.

An Interesting Documentary About Cordoba's History

domingo, 5 de junio de 2011

The Mosque (La Mezquita)

•Cordoba’s most famous monument and a World Heritage Site.

•Originally a pagan temple, then a Visigoth Christian Church. On the arrival of the Moors, they built a mosque on the site. When Al-Andalus was conquered by the Catholic Monarchs it was converted into a Roman Catholic church and it is now Cordoba’s Cathedral.

•It is one of the best examples of Moorish architecture in Spain and has a beautiful courtyard.

•Opening hours: Monday – Saturday 10.00 am - 6.30pm
Sunday 9.00am – 10.15am and 2.00pm – 7.00pm

•Entrance price: Adults €8
Children over 10, retired visitors etc €2
Children under 10 are free

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